
課題1811に挑戦してみるその1 - メモ。の方針通りに、emailextプラグインの方を修正してみた。ExtendedEmailPublisherクラスで、"text/plain; charset=エンコード名" or "text/html; charset=エンコード名"とする実装と、Headerを追加する実装を追加。それに合わせて、global.jellyも変更。repeatableタグに対応する実装がよくわかってないが ToolInstallationを継承し NodeSpecific<>, EnvironmentSpecific<>をインプリした内部クラスをつくってみたらうまく動いていている*1


package hudson.plugins.emailext;

import hudson.EnvVars;
import hudson.ExtensionPoint;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.Describable;
import hudson.model.Descriptor;
import hudson.model.EnvironmentSpecific;
import hudson.model.Hudson;
import hudson.model.JDK;
import hudson.model.Node;
import hudson.model.User;
import hudson.plugins.emailext.plugins.ContentBuilder;
import hudson.plugins.emailext.plugins.EmailTrigger;
import hudson.plugins.emailext.plugins.EmailTriggerDescriptor;
import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet.Entry;
import hudson.tasks.Mailer;
import hudson.tasks.Publisher;
import hudson.util.FormFieldValidator;
import hudson.slaves.NodeSpecific;
import hudson.tools.ToolInstallation;
import hudson.tools.ToolDescriptor;
import hudson.tools.ToolLocationNodeProperty;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;

 * {@link Publisher} that sends notification e-mail.
 * @author kyle.sweeney@valtech.com
public class ExtendedEmailPublisher extends Publisher {
	private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Mailer.class.getName());

	public static final String COMMA_SEPARATED_SPLIT_REGEXP = "[,\\s]+";

	private static final Map<String,EmailTriggerDescriptor> EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP = new HashMap<String,EmailTriggerDescriptor>();
	public static final String DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TEXT = "$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!";
	public static final String DEFAULT_BODY_TEXT = "$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS:\n\n" +
		"Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results.";
	public static void addEmailTriggerType(EmailTriggerDescriptor triggerType) throws EmailExtException {
			throw new EmailExtException("An email trigger type with name " +
					triggerType.getTriggerName() + " was already added.");
		EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.put(triggerType.getMailerId(), triggerType);
	public static void removeEmailTriggerType(EmailTriggerDescriptor triggerType) {
	public static EmailTriggerDescriptor getEmailTriggerType(String mailerId) {
		return EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.get(mailerId);
	public static Collection<EmailTriggerDescriptor> getEmailTriggers() {
		return EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.values();
	public static Collection<String> getEmailTriggerNames() {
		return EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.keySet();
	public static List<EmailTrigger> getTriggersForNonConfiguredInstance() {
		List<EmailTrigger> retList = new ArrayList<EmailTrigger>();
		for(String triggerName : EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.keySet()) {
		return retList;
	 * A comma-separated list of email recipient that will be used for every trigger.
	public String recipientList;

	/** This is the list of email triggers that the project has configured */
	private List<EmailTrigger> configuredTriggers = new ArrayList<EmailTrigger>();

	 * The contentType of the emails for this project.
	public String contentType;

	 * The default subject of the emails for this project.  ($PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT)
	public String defaultSubject;

	 * The default body of the emails for this project.  ($PROJECT_DEFAULT_BODY)
	public String defaultContent;
	 * Get the list of configured email triggers for this project.
	public List<EmailTrigger> getConfiguredTriggers() {
		if(configuredTriggers == null)
			configuredTriggers = new ArrayList<EmailTrigger>();
		return configuredTriggers;

	 * Get the list of non-configured email triggers for this project.
	public List<EmailTrigger> getNonConfiguredTriggers() {
		List<EmailTrigger> confTriggers = getConfiguredTriggers();
		List<EmailTrigger> retList = new ArrayList<EmailTrigger>();
		for(String triggerName : EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.keySet()) {
			boolean contains = false;
			for(EmailTrigger trigger : confTriggers) {
				if(trigger.getDescriptor().getTriggerName().equals(triggerName)) {
					contains = true;
			if(!contains) {
		return retList;

	 * Return true if the project has been configured, otherwise returns false
	public boolean isConfigured() {
		return !getConfiguredTriggers().isEmpty();
	 * Return true if the project has been configured, otherwise returns false
	public boolean getConfigured() {
		return isConfigured();

	public boolean perform(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
		return _perform(build,launcher,listener);
	public <P extends AbstractProject<P,B>,B extends AbstractBuild<P,B>> boolean _perform(B build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException {
	   	boolean emailTriggered = false;
	   	Map<String,EmailTrigger> triggered = new HashMap<String, EmailTrigger>();
		for(EmailTrigger trigger : configuredTriggers) {
			if(trigger.trigger(build)) {
				String tName = trigger.getDescriptor().getTriggerName();
				listener.getLogger().println("Email was triggered for: " + tName);
				emailTriggered = true;
		//Go through and remove triggers that are replaced by others
		List<String> replacedTriggers = new ArrayList<String>();
		for(String triggerName : triggered.keySet()) {
		for(String triggerName : replacedTriggers) {
			listener.getLogger().println("Trigger " + triggerName + " was overridden by another trigger and will not send an email.");
		if(emailTriggered && triggered.isEmpty()) {
			listener.getLogger().println("There is a circular trigger replacement with the email triggers.  No email is sent.");
			return false;
		else if(triggered.isEmpty()) {
			listener.getLogger().println("No emails were triggered.");
			return true;
		listener.getLogger().println("There are " + triggered.size() + " triggered emails.");
		for(String triggerName :triggered.keySet()) {
			listener.getLogger().println("Sending email for trigger: " + triggerName);
			sendMail(triggered.get(triggerName).getEmail(), build, listener);
		return true;
	public <P extends AbstractProject<P,B>,B extends AbstractBuild<P,B>>
	boolean sendMail(EmailType mailType, B build, BuildListener listener) {
		try {
			MimeMessage msg = createMail(mailType, build, listener);
			Address[] allRecipients = msg.getAllRecipients();
			if (allRecipients != null) {
				StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Sending e-mails to:");
				for (Address a : allRecipients)
					buf.append(' ').append(a);
				return true;
			} else {
				listener.getLogger().println("An attempt to send an e-mail"
					+ " to empty list of recipients, ignored.");
		} catch(MessagingException e) {
			LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not send email.",e);
			e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Could not send email as a part of the post-build publishers."));
		return false;

	private <P extends AbstractProject<P,B>,B extends AbstractBuild<P,B>>
	MimeMessage createMail(EmailType type, B build, BuildListener listener) throws MessagingException {
		MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(ExtendedEmailPublisher.DESCRIPTOR.createSession());

		//Set the contents of the email
		msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(ExtendedEmailPublisher.DESCRIPTOR.getAdminAddress()));
		msg.setSentDate(new Date());
		String subject = new ContentBuilder().transformText(type.getSubject(), this, type, build);
		String text = new ContentBuilder().transformText(type.getBody(), this, type, build);
		msg.setContent(text, contentType);
		String encoding  = DESCRIPTOR.getEncoding();
		String messageContentType = contentType;
		// contentType is null if the project was not reconfigured after upgrading.
		if (messageContentType == null || "default".equals(messageContentType)) {
			messageContentType = DESCRIPTOR.getDefaultContentType();
			// The defaultContentType is null if the main Hudson configuration
			// was not reconfigured after upgrading.
			if (messageContentType == null) {
				messageContentType = "text/plain";
		if(encoding != null || !encoding.isEmpty()){
			StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
			builder.append("; charset=");
			messageContentType = builder.toString();
		msg.setContent(text, messageContentType);
		 for(Header bean: DESCRIPTOR.getHeader()){
			msg.setHeader(bean.getHeader(), bean.getValue());

		// Get the recipients from the global list of addresses
		List<InternetAddress> recipientAddresses = new ArrayList<InternetAddress>();
		if (type.getSendToRecipientList()) {
			for (String recipient : recipientList.split(COMMA_SEPARATED_SPLIT_REGEXP)) {
				addAddress(recipientAddresses, recipient, listener);
		// Get the list of developers who made changes between this build and the last
		// if this mail type is configured that way
		if (type.getSendToDevelopers()) {
			Set<User> users;
			if (type.getIncludeCulprits()) {
				users = build.getCulprits();
			} else {
				users = new HashSet<User>();
				for (Entry change : build.getChangeSet()) {
			for (User user : users) {
				String adrs = user.getProperty(Mailer.UserProperty.class).getAddress();
				if (adrs != null)
					addAddress(recipientAddresses, adrs, listener);
				else {
					listener.getLogger().println("Failed to send e-mail to " + user.getFullName() + " because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured");
		//Get the list of recipients that are uniquely specified for this type of email 
		if (type.getRecipientList() != null && type.getRecipientList().trim().length() > 0) {
			String[] typeRecipients = type.getRecipientList().split(COMMA_SEPARATED_SPLIT_REGEXP);
			for (int i = 0; i < typeRecipients.length; i++) {
				recipientAddresses.add(new InternetAddress(typeRecipients[i]));
		msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, recipientAddresses.toArray(new InternetAddress[recipientAddresses.size()]));
		return msg;

	private static void addAddress(List<InternetAddress> addresses, String address, BuildListener listener) {
		try {
			addresses.add(new InternetAddress(address));
		} catch(AddressException ae) {
			LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not create email address.", ae);
			listener.getLogger().println("Failed to create e-mail address for " + address);
	public boolean needsToRunAfterFinalized() {
		return true;
	public Descriptor<Publisher> getDescriptor() {
		return DESCRIPTOR;
	public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl();
	 * These settings are the settings that are global.
	public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<Publisher> {
		 *  mail encoding 
		private String encoding;

		 *  mail headers 
		private List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
		 * The default e-mail address suffix appended to the user name found from changelog,
		 * to send e-mails. Null if not configured.
		private String defaultSuffix;

		 * Hudson's own URL, to put into the e-mail.
		private String hudsonUrl;

		 * If non-null, use SMTP-AUTH with these information.
		private String smtpAuthPassword,smtpAuthUsername;

		 * The e-mail address that Hudson puts to "From:" field in outgoing e-mails.
		 * Null if not configured.
		private String adminAddress;

		 * The SMTP server to use for sending e-mail. Null for default to the environment,
		 * which is usually <tt>localhost</tt>.
		private String smtpHost;
		 * If true use SSL on port 465 (standard SMTPS) unless <code>smtpPort</code> is set.
		private boolean useSsl;
		 * The SMTP port to use for sending e-mail. Null for default to the environment,
		 * which is usually <tt>25</tt>.
		private String smtpPort;
		 * This is a global default content type (mime type) for emails.
		private String defaultContentType;
		 * This is a global default subject line for sending emails.
		private String defaultSubject;
		 * This is a global default body for sending emails.
		private String defaultBody;

		public String getDisplayName() {
			return "Editable Email Notification";
		public String getAdminAddress() {
			String v = adminAddress;
			if (v == null) {
				v = "address not configured yet <nobody>";
			return v;

		public String getDefaultSuffix() {
			return defaultSuffix;
		public String getEncoding(){
			return encoding;
		/** JavaMail session. */
		public Session createSession() {
			Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
			if (smtpPort!=null) {
				props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort);
			if (useSsl) {
				/* This allows the user to override settings by setting system properties but
				 * also allows us to use the default SMTPs port of 465 if no port is already set.
				 * It would be cleaner to use smtps, but that's done by calling session.getTransport()...
				 * and thats done in mail sender, and it would be a bit of a hack to get it all to
				 * coordinate, and we can make it work through setting mail.smtp properties.
				if (props.getProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port") == null) {
					String port = smtpPort==null?"465":smtpPort;
					props.put("mail.smtp.port", port);
					props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", port);
				if (props.getProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class") == null) {
				props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
			return Session.getInstance(props,getAuthenticator());
		private Authenticator getAuthenticator() {
			final String un = getSmtpAuthUsername();
			if (un == null) return null;
			return new Authenticator() {
				protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
					return new PasswordAuthentication(getSmtpAuthUsername(), getSmtpAuthPassword());

		public String getHudsonUrl() {
			if (hudsonUrl == null) {
				return Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl();
			return hudsonUrl;

		public String getSmtpServer() {
			return smtpHost;

		public String getSmtpAuthUsername() {
			return smtpAuthUsername;
		public String getSmtpAuthPassword() {
			return smtpAuthPassword;

		public boolean getUseSsl() {
			return useSsl;
		public String getSmtpPort() {
			return smtpPort;
		public String getDefaultContentType() {
			return defaultContentType;
		public String getDefaultSubject() {
			return defaultSubject;
		public String getDefaultBody() {
			return defaultBody;

		public List<Header> getHeader(){
			return headers;

		public Publisher newInstance(StaplerRequest req) throws hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException {
			// Save the recipient lists
			String listRecipients = req.getParameter("recipientlist_recipients");
			// Save configuration for each trigger type
			ExtendedEmailPublisher m = new ExtendedEmailPublisher();
			m.recipientList = listRecipients;
			m.contentType = req.getParameter("project_content_type");
			m.defaultSubject = req.getParameter("project_default_subject");
			m.defaultContent = req.getParameter("project_default_content");
			m.configuredTriggers = new ArrayList<EmailTrigger>();
			// Create a new email trigger for each one that is configured
			for (String mailerId : EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.keySet()) {
				EmailType type = createMailType(req, mailerId);
				if (type != null) {
					EmailTrigger trigger = EMAIL_TRIGGER_TYPE_MAP.get(mailerId).getNewInstance(type);
			req.bindParameters(m, "ext_mailer_");
			return m;
		private EmailType createMailType(StaplerRequest req, String mailType) {
			if(req.getParameter("mailer." + mailType + ".configured") == null)
				return null;
			if(!req.getParameter("mailer." + mailType + ".configured").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
				return null;
			EmailType m = new EmailType();
			String prefix = "mailer." + mailType + ".";
			m.setSubject(req.getParameter(prefix + "subject"));
			m.setBody(req.getParameter(prefix + "body"));
			m.setRecipientList(req.getParameter(prefix + "recipientList"));
			m.setSendToRecipientList(req.getParameter(prefix + "sendToRecipientList")!=null);
			m.setSendToDevelopers(req.getParameter(prefix + "sendToDevelopers")!=null);
			m.setIncludeCulprits(req.getParameter(prefix + "includeCulprits")!=null);
			return m;
		public DescriptorImpl() {
			if (defaultBody == null && defaultSubject == null) {
				defaultBody = DEFAULT_BODY_TEXT;
				defaultSubject = DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TEXT;

		public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req) throws FormException {
			// Most of this stuff is the same as the built-in email publisher

			// Configure the smtp server
			smtpHost = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_smtp_server"));
			adminAddress = req.getParameter("ext_mailer_admin_address");
			defaultSuffix = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_default_suffix"));
			// Specify the url to this hudson instance
			String url = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_hudson_url"));
			if (url != null && !url.endsWith("/")) {
				url += '/';
			if (url == null) {
				url = Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl();
			hudsonUrl = url;

			// specify authentication information
			if (req.getParameter("extmailer.useSMTPAuth") != null) {
				smtpAuthUsername = nullify(req.getParameter("extmailer.SMTPAuth.userName"));
				smtpAuthPassword = nullify(req.getParameter("extmailer.SMTPAuth.password"));
			} else {
				smtpAuthUsername = smtpAuthPassword = null;
			// specify if the mail server uses ssl for authentication
			useSsl = req.getParameter("ext_mailer_smtp_use_ssl") != null;
			// specify custom smtp port
			smtpPort = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_smtp_port"));
			defaultContentType = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_default_content_type"));

			// Allow global defaults to be set for the subject and body of the email
			defaultSubject = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_default_subject"));
			defaultBody = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_default_body"));
			// Set Default Encoding 
			encoding = nullify(req.getParameter("ext_mailer_default_encoding"));
			{// update Header 
				  String[] header = req.getParameterValues("ext_mailer_default_mail_header");
				  String[] value = req.getParameterValues("ext_mailer_default_mail_header_value");
				  if(header!=null && value!=null) {
					  int len = Math.min(header.length,value.length);
					  for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
						  headers.add(new Header(header[i],value[i]));
			return super.configure(req);
		private String nullify(String v) {
			if(v!=null && v.length()==0)	
			return v;
		public String getHelpFile() {
			return "/plugin/email-ext/help/main.html";
		public void doAddressCheck(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp,
				@QueryParameter("value") final String value) throws IOException, ServletException {
			new FormFieldValidator(req,rsp,false) {
				protected void check() throws IOException, ServletException {
					try {
						new InternetAddress(value);
					} catch (AddressException e) {
		public void doRecipientListRecipientsCheck(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp,
				@QueryParameter("value") final String value) throws IOException, ServletException {
			new FormFieldValidator(req,rsp,false) {
				protected void check() throws IOException, ServletException {
					if(value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) {
						String[] names = value.split(COMMA_SEPARATED_SPLIT_REGEXP);
						try {
							for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++) {
								if(names[i].trim().length()>0) {
									new InternetAddress(names[i]);
						catch(AddressException e) {
	public final static class Header   extends ToolInstallation implements NodeSpecific<Header>, EnvironmentSpecific<Header> {

		public Header(String header, String value) {
		    public String getHeader() {
		        return getName();
		    public String getValue() {
		        return getHome();

			public Header forNode(Node node) {
			      return new Header(getHeader(),ToolLocationNodeProperty.getToolHome(node, this));

			public Header forEnvironment(EnvVars environment) {
				 return new Header(getHeader(), environment.expand(getValue()));


<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:define" xmlns:l="/lib/layout" xmlns:t="/lib/hudson" xmlns:f="/lib/form">
  <f:section title="Extended E-mail Notification">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="${rootURL}/plugin/email-ext/scripts/emailext-behavior.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
            border: solid #bbb 1px;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
            padding: 1em;
            margin-bottom: 1em;
    <f:entry title="SMTP server"
      <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_smtp_server"
        type="text" value="${descriptor.smtpServer}"/>
    <f:entry title="Default user E-mail suffix"
      <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_default_suffix"
        type="text" value="${descriptor.defaultSuffix}"/>
    <f:entry title="System Admin E-mail Address"
      <f:textbox name="ext_mailer_admin_address" value="${descriptor.adminAddress}"
    <f:entry title="Hudson URL"
      <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_hudson_url"
        type="text" value="${h.ifThenElse(descriptor.hudsonUrl!=null,descriptor.hudsonUrl,h.inferHudsonURL(request))}"/>
      <f:optionalBlock name="extmailer.useSMTPAuth" title="Use SMTP Authentication" checked="${descriptor.smtpAuthUsername!=null}"
        <f:entry title="User Name">
          <input class="setting-input" name="extmailer.SMTPAuth.userName"
                 type="text" value="${descriptor.smtpAuthUsername}"/>
        <f:entry title="Password">
          <input class="setting-input" name="extmailer.SMTPAuth.password"
                 type="password" value="${descriptor.smtpAuthPassword}"/>
      <f:entry title="Use SSL"
        <f:checkbox name="ext_mailer_smtp_use_ssl" checked="${descriptor.useSsl}" />
      <f:entry title="SMTP port"
        <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_smtp_port"
          type="text" value="${descriptor.smtpPort}"/>
      <f:entry title="Default Content Type"
        <select class="setting-input"
          <f:option value="text/plain"
            >Plain Text (text/plain)</f:option>
          <f:option value="text/html"
            >HTML (text/html)</f:option>

      <f:entry title="Default Encoding">
        <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_default_encoding"
               type="text" value="${descriptor.encoding}"/>
        <f:entry title="Default Headers ">
          <f:repeatable var="inst" items="${descriptor.getHeader()}" name="headers">
            <table width="100%">
              <f:entry title="header">
                <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_default_mail_header"
                  type="text" value="${inst.header}" />

              <f:entry title="value" >
                <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_default_mail_header_value"
                  type="text" value="${inst.value}"
              <f:entry title="">
                <div align="right">
                  <f:repeatableDeleteButton />

      <f:entry title="Default Subject"
        <input class="setting-input" name="ext_mailer_default_subject"
               type="text" value="${descriptor.defaultSubject}"/>
      <f:entry title="Default Content"
        <f:textarea class="setting-input"
      <!-- This is the help section.  It displays a bunch of dynamic help for all content tokens. -->
        <td colspan="2">Content Token Reference</td>
          <j:invokeStatic var="contentTokenText" method="getGlobalContentTokenHelpText" className="hudson.plugins.emailext.EmailExtHelp"/>
          <a href="#contentTokenHelpAnchor" name="contentTokenAnchor" onclick="toggleContentTokenHelp()"><img src="${rootURL}/images/16x16/help.gif" alt="Help for feature: Content Token Reference" /></a>
        <td colspan="2"><div id="contentTokenHelpConf" style="display:none" class="mailHelp">${contentTokenText}</div></td>


*1:意識がもうろうとしている時に作ったからどこかチョンボしているかも。説明が面倒なんでソースを貼り付け…<(_ _)>